Zen Ed
Personal and Collective Wellness for Women

Welcome to Zen Ed!
Zen Ed is a women-owned wellness and education business with a passion for supporting women in creating joy, wonder and wellness for themselves, their families, and their communities.
Zen Ed specializes in both personal and collective wellbeing, and believes in bringing wellness to all spaces. This means we support workplaces, community groups, families, and individuals through a variety of programs.
Collective Wellness -
Let’s gather in community, and see what we can create together! Nisa and Sarah have presented workshops at many Dane County libraries and workplaces. Each summer, we gather in a community of women to explore our Dane County Parks and discover techniques for living a healthy and joyful life. And coming soon - local retreats! Join us as we experience the many ways to create more ease, wonder, and joy. See the Events section below to see what’s coming up, and check us out in Madison Magazine below!
Personal Wellness/Coaching -
Allow us to walk alongside you, and through a coaching model, help you discover the next steps in your wellness journey. The International Coaching Federation describes Coaching this way: “Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. We all have goals we want to reach, challenges we’re striving to overcome and times when we feel stuck. Partnering with a coach can … set you on a path to greater personal and professional fulfillment.”
Check out Sarah and Nisa’s personal coaching pages for specialty areas and program descriptions.
Our Services
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I Am Zen Ed

About Us

Supporting Women in Creating Change
Nisa Giaquinto, MA and Sarah Dimick, MS
Sarah and Nisa hold advanced degrees in psychology and are certified yoga teachers with over 30 combined years of experience in education. Our desire is to change the world by working alongside women in their personal and collective transformations. We do this through:
positive psychology strategies
movement and mindfulness
personal coaching
group workshops and retreats
Built on the values of bringing wellness to all spaces, using nature as a healing tool, and giving back to organizations supporting women, we invite you to check out our services.
Client Testimonials
Straight From the Source
"The tone, atmosphere and intention set by Sarah and Nisa made each hike extremely enjoyable."
-Banks Sisters
"Sarah and Nisa are compassionate, driven, and incredibly knowledgeable. When you attend a Zen Ed event, you leave feeling inspired and valued."
- Sarah B
Nisa was flexible with our needs and able to connect with youth of all ages. The kids had fun and want more programming!